Miss Foods With Lactose? There Are Substitutes Available

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Lactose Substitutes or lactose-free sweeteners are sugars derived from milk that are easier to digest than sugar lactose derived from cow's milk. Lactose, a milk sugar, is also readily absorbed into the human body and, like other milk sugars, is metabolized to glucose. The liver can metabolize glucose into energy (ketones) through the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates in the bloodstream. Ketones can be used as an alternative fuel source for the body by converting them to energy when needed, or they can be stored as a reserve for later use. However, ketones must be ingested on a daily basis if you want your body to function properly. In some cases, lactose-free milk or lactose substitutes can help. However, people who are lactose-intolerant should also go for lactose substitutes and consult their physician first before taking any lactose supplements. Here are 4 lactose substitutes that are commonly available at your local supermarket.

1 - Soy Milk: A great milk substitute

Soy Milk has become a common replacement for milk due to its high percentage of protein compared to other forms of milk. If you are lactose-intolerant, drinking lactose often causes stomach cramps, gas, and indigestion, usually within 30 minutes to 2 hours of drinking. Many people drink soy milk instead of regular milk to give them a healthier dietary choice. Soy milk is made from soya beans meaning you can absorb it quickly. Soy milk does not contain lactose since it is made from soybeans.

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2 - Go with low dairy or dairy free yogurt

Yogurt is a balanced food we all need that is extremely low in lactose. You may be wondering which form you should use if any at all. Low dairy or dairy-free yogurt is a suitable choice for people who do not want to exclude or limit all milk products from their diets. There are several recipes that you can find online that are vegetarian, vegan or even milk-free yogurt recipes. You may use it instead of cream, standard yogurt, or as a milk-free option. This can be a great thing to try, particularly if you like the taste of yogurt but want to take away the milk and lactose components. This is a perfect way to help a lot of people appreciate yogurt who are lactose intolerant.

3 - Sherbet: A great alternative to ice cream

For a long time now, sherbet has been popular among young and old alike, and it has found its way as one of the top sweet treats on many menus. The creamy consistency and rich flavor of the sherbet bring back childhood memories for many people. Since sherbet is lactose-free, everyone can consider the healthier alternative to ice cream. With a wide range of flavors and choices, you're sure to find the right flavor for any occasion. It tastes just as good or even better than ice cream, but it doesn't have the calories and lactose that come with regular ice cream.

4 - Fermented cheeses have less lactose

Fermented Cheese is an alternative to standard milk products for the relief of temporary digestive symptoms linked to lactose allergy and other digestive conditions. This form of cheese contains a type of enzyme typically found in milk that helps to break down the lactose and to make the active ingredient curds or kefir. While some people assume that the presence of lactose in fermented cheese encourages the growth of unhealthful bacteria in the intestine, research has shown that this is not true, as the levels of lactose-like cultures in fermented cheese are usually too low to allow the growth of any harmful bacteria. Fermented cheeses can be eaten without harmful health effects because the enzymes in the cheese begin to break down the molecules of lactose into smaller molecules that can then be extracted from the body.

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