Trying to Quit Smoking? Try These 3 Inexpensive Methods!

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Few smokers are in total control of themselves. They think that they can turn their urges on and off at will, but they soon realize how difficult it is to stop. Their logic is usually that since smoking is legal, it's less addictive than taking serious illegal drugs. In addition, every other person they know smokes, and it looks like they can quit at any time. It's possible to quit by going cold turkey, but for most people, smoking is an addiction that requires more willpower and manual effort. It takes strength to fight urges and undergo withdrawal symptoms that vary from minor to severe. However, it's possible for anyone to quit regardless of how long the habit has persisted. Once the first year of treatment is complete, the work of staying away from smoking becomes easier over time. The following are three inexpensive methods to help a person quit smoking when they want to. 

1 - Try Replacement Therapy

Smoking is highly addictive due to the chemicals that are found inside. The chemicals that are inhaled while smoking can be directly responsible for promoting the growth of cancerous cells. This makes quitting smoking important and ideally without having to still rely on the same addictive substances. Replacement therapy options like patches, gums and nasal sprays, inhalers and tablets all contain some of the ingredients that smokers have come to rely on. The idea is that gradual reduction is easier than quitting an addictive issues immediately. Smokers continue to consume their addiction in smaller amounts and gradually reduce their urge to have a smoke instead of quitting right away. Abruptly stopping the use of an addictive chemical is not recommended because the user could go through withdrawals. With replacement therapy, it takes some time and willpower to stay on the right track. The good news about replacement therapy is that most people have no serious side effects or withdrawal symptoms.

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2 - Try E-Smoking

E-smoking is the use of electronic devices that may or may not contain addictive substances, It simulates smoking, but users have a wider range of non-addictive substances to choose from. The tactile and physical sensations are addictive to some people and e-smoking gives similar sensations, while lowering or eliminating the dangerous substances. They can buy liquids that simulate natural food flavors or create their own without choosing the standard smoking ingredients. These devices help people to gradually stop smoking, but like with replacement therapy, it can take some time. It’s recommended to set out timelines for the reduction of addictive substances so that a schedule can be kept. 

3 - Read About Diseases Related to Smoking

A simple, inexpensive method is to become educated on the dangers of smoking. There are literally hundreds of diseases that are directly or indirectly caused by smoking, including inhaling second hand smoke/ Lung cancer and emphysema are the most well-known diseases that affect the respiratory system. There are also increased rates of bad breath, discolored teeth and gingivitis. Smoke may clog the lining of the arteries in the heart, which increases the risks of strokes, heart attacks and heart disease. Smokers have more difficulty breathing, so there is reduced oxygen in their blood that reaches the heart. Every organ in the body suffers from the reduced rates of healthy oxygen. Reading about many of the diseases and symptoms that are caused by smoking will cause most people to fear for their health. This can be an assistance in trying to turn away from the habit. Withdrawal symptoms can be painful and difficult, but they certainly beat treatment for lung cancer.

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