Whey Protein Appeals to Many People Looking After Their Health

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Cow’s milk contains two proteins, and whey protein is one. During the cheese-making process, curd separates from liquid; the liquid is known as whey. This is a nutrient-rich liquid that is almost translucent, and it contains all essential amino acids, minerals, and vitamins. Liquid whey is filtered and dried to produce whey protein powder.

The human body makes amino acids alone, but it does not produce essential amino acids. You have to obtain essential amino acids from food, and whey protein is one rich source of amino acids. Whey protein powder is usually consumed as a nutritional supplement, and it can also be added to protein bars, shakes, smoothies, and more. Consumption of whey protein has many benefits, with researchers relentlessly looking for new probable therapeutic properties.

How Do You Get Whey Protein?

As mentioned earlier, whey protein is obtained during the cheese-making process. The milk undergoes quality tests, and then enzymes are added to isolate liquid whey from the curd. After filtration, liquid whey is pasteurized, and the protein is isolated and concentrated. You can achieve this through two primary methods; ion exchange and membrane filtration technology.

Ion exchange is a process that separates particular protein components. The raw whey is passed through a column collecting the proteins and separating them depending on variations in their net charge. Minerals and lactose are washed away and processed to make another component. Ion exchange permits the selection of all nutritional and functional proteins in whey.

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Membrane filtration is a separation process in cold temperatures using porous membranes. Membranes have different pore sizes, which makes them capable of eradicating bacteria, removing fat from whey, enabling minerals and carbohydrates to pass through, and retaining whey protein.

Benefits of Whey Protein

There’s plenty of reasons that people add whey protein to their diet and nutritional routine. Some of them include: 

  • Promotes Muscle Growth: As you age, your muscle declines, leading to fat gain and an increased risk of chronic illnesses. But, this can be partially reversed, prevented, or slowed by combining adequate diet and strength training. Vigorous training combined with a diet rich in proteins or protein supplements is an effective preventive strategy. Whey is a rich source of essential amino acids, making it suitable for preventing muscle loss associated with aging.
  • Reduces Allergic Reactions: Hydrolyzed baby formula has protein that has been broken down into minute sizes than those in soy-based or cow’s milk formulas. Infants fed on a hydrolyzed type of whey protein are at a lower risk of acquiring eczema (atopic dermatitis). Giving your baby formula containing whey reduces the risk of allergic reactions.
  • Weight Gain: Whey protein can assist in weight gain in individuals having trouble gaining and maintaining weight. This is especially the case for people living with HIV/AIDS and older adults.
  • Heart Disease and Blood Pressure: Beverages containing whey protein supplements significantly reduce blood pressure in individuals with high blood pressure and lower their risk of developing a stroke or heart disease.

Best Methods of Using Whey Protein

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Whey protein is taken with beverages. Ultimately, your choice of drink will depend on your fitness goals, whether you want to build lean muscle or gain weight. You can try any of the following to take whey protein.

  • Add a couple of scoops of whey powder to a shaker bottle with chilled milk, water, or plant-based milk. Close it tight and shake it vigorously to make a healthy post-workout drink. You can also take this as a meal replacement if you want to lose weight or when you’re too busy to eat a proper meal.
  • Combine whey protein with a banana, ice, and almond milk and blend. This is a perfect way to start the day. You can also add vanilla or chocolate to the milk to make it more delicious.
  • The other way to consume whey protein is by combining it with oatmeal. Oatmeal has sufficient amounts of protein and fiber to keep you full for longer. Add your protein powder into your bowl of oatmeal to add flavor, richness, and enough protein to help you face the day.
  • You can also add whey protein to your coffee to attain an excellent coffee concoction. Additionally, add chilled coffee, a few ice cubes, and whey protein to the blender to make blended iced coffee. You can substitute coffee with cocoa if you do not like coffee.

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