You May Need To Try a Variety of Solutions to Stop Snoring

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Getting a good night's sleep is one of the most important things that can lead to success and happiness. Snoring while asleep can be one of the most annoying things to have to deal with on a regular basis. This problem is quite common and is experienced by nearly half of society. It is slightly more common for a man to snore than a woman. Families often can pass it from one generation to another. Not only is it a sign of a person's own issues, it can be a major problem for others trying to sleep nearby. The truth of the matter is that many people who snore do not realize they do so. Heavy snoring may be a sign of sleep apnea and other health issues. It can also be brought on by sickness or drinking, among other things. On the bright side, there are a few things that can be done to try to stop snoring. The top four ways are listed below.

1 - Try to cut down on drinking alcohol

Do not drink less than two hours before going to sleep. The reason for this is because alcohol is a depressant and it causes the throat muscles to relax, which in turn increases the likelihood of snoring. Since the body needs more oxygen, it has to inhale oxygen with more force. Alcohol also has an effect on REM sleep, so snoring is much more likely. The sleep deprivation from constant drinking is yet another reason that snoring can occur. 

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2 - Lose Weight

For those who are a bit overweight, snoring is a bit more likely. The reason for this is because people who are overweight have extra tissues in their throat. Obesity and fat also cause both direct and indirect compression to the upper airways, which makes snoring more likely. The other troubling thing about obesity and snoring is that they can lead to one another in a cycle. People who don't sleep well tend to be less likely to be in shape and those who are overweight don't sleep as well.

3 - Sleep on your side and get a good night's sleep

Many people don't think twice about the position in which they sleep. However, the best way to avoid snoring is to make sure to sleep on your side. This is because your tongue will fall backward when lying on your back. By doing this, your airways are narrowed and airflow is partially obstructed. There are a number of ways to force your body to sleep on its side, and this includes tennis balls and inflatable pillows. In turn, getting a good night's sleep will also reduce the chances of snoring in the future.

4 - Stop smoking

Much like drinking alcohol, smoking can also have a very negative impact on a person's health. Snoring is no exception. Smokers are said to be twice as likely to snore as those who do not smoke. The reason for this is because smoking negatively impacts the membranes in the nose and throat, and it blocks a person's airways. Of course, this is not the only reason to stop smoking but is a huge added benefit.

5 - Use Snoring Aids

Many people may choose to use various sleep aids to help with their snoring. One of the most common is a mouthguard. It shifts the resting jaw position slightly in an attempt to open up the airways. There’s also nasal strips which will open up the nasal airways and allow for more air to pass through. In serious cases, a CPAP machine may be required so that air pressure opens the airways to stop snoring.

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