A Baby's Coming, How Can You Make Things Simpler?

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Bringing a new baby home can be scary and difficult, especially if you are a first-time parent. However, if you plan properly, you can make things much easier for yourself. One of the best ways to prepare yourself for your new baby is to ensure your drawers and cabinets are filled with everything your baby will need to eat and be clean. You'll also need to learn hacks to get through your new responsibilities. Here are a couple of ways for you to make things simpler when you bring home a new baby. There’s no need to panic. Just try some of these hints and you’ll be ready to handle being a parent in no time! 

1 - Have a support system

New parents tend to get overwhelmed by their new responsibilities. It's not surprising, either. It's a huge change! You're forced to get up every couple of hours to take care of your new baby. You still have your previous responsibilities, too. That's not to mention the cost associated with the new bundle of joy. There may be times when you want to scream. When you start to get overwhelmed, you need a solid support system around you to help you.

Your partner can be a great source of support. Talk about how you can divvy up the responsibilities and how to handle complicated situations in a fair manner. You will probably end up fighting at some point throughout co-parenting, so it's a good idea to talk about how to handle those moments, too. Ultimately, if you are both willing, your partner will be a huge asset.

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Alternatively, you may be able to lean on your friends and family at times. Talk to people about who may be willing to babysit at times. Even if people can't babysit, they can be valuable for emotional support.

2 - Formula and Food

Your baby needs to eat. A lot. You want to be prepared by having plenty of formula around. This won't only be for when the baby gets home. You will constantly be making bottles, so have extra ready at all times. You'll especially want to have them ready when you go to bed. There's nothing worse than having to sleepily prepare a bottle for a midnight feeding. You should also use the same type of bottles so lids and attachments are consistent. When the baby switches to food, it may take some time to learn exactly what they enjoy. Once you do, be sure to stock plenty of it. It's important to be prepared on the road, too.

3 - Diaper Coupons

You will not believe how many diapers you are going to go through when you bring your newborn home. Prepare yourself for the expense now by stocking up on as many diapers as you can. Be sure to ask for diapers at your baby shower. get them in all different sizes so that you'll be prepared as your adorable poop-machine gets older and bigger. That's not all, though. Don't forget the wipes and baby powder you'll need. If you aren't prepared, your baby may end up with diaper rash. When that happens, no one is happy. You also want to stock up on diaper coupons and coupons for wipes. They will help you a lot throughout the next couple of years of diaper changes. You can find coupons in newspapers, parenting magazine, grocery store ads, and online.

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4 - Allow extra time for everything

As a new parent, you are going to be late for everything. You may have to unexpectedly change a diaper, pack extra items, or soothe a crying baby. While some people may be understanding, your boss and other authority figures might not give you the same leeway. Always give yourself extra time to get to your job, appointments, and any social events. Many people will look at you as a superhero for being able to get places on time with a baby, making you feel like a great parent.

5 - Sleep Whenever You Can

Babies sleep a lot, but they wake up every couple of hours for feedings and diaper changes. This means you'll be waking up every couple of hours, too. You will find yourself very tired if you try to stick to your previous sleep schedule. Instead, sleep whenever the baby sleeps. They are sure to wake you up in a little bit.

6 - Don't Expect Perfection

Every parent wants to be the best parent possible. However, all parents make mistakes. Including you. When you do realize you made a small mistake, do not get embarrassed or feel bad. If you don't forgive yourself, you can develop unnecessary guilt that will follow you.

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