Your Time In The Kitchen Is Made Easier With The Right Kitchen Hacks

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Everyone wants to have an easier time in the kitchen, right? Some people may not know it, but there are many hacks available to reduce or eliminate various problems. These problems range from small inconveniences to helpful tips that no one’s ever thought of. Why should anyone care? Because by utilizing these tips, kitchen activities become a simple walk in the park. Here's a list of the top 5 kitchen hacks to use for a better kitchen experience. This list explores different ways to utilize the kitchen in a different way or go against potential common practice. Each hack gives a detailed account of what it is and why it's good to use as a hack. There's no need for any complex steps. Whether it be to save space or to utilize scraps, these diverse kitchen hacks make life a little easier. Just try them all out and see.

1 - Save Your Eggshells

Eggshells are probably one of the most underrated food scraps ever. Baking and grinding them will produce a powder that has multiple uses. It is scientifically proven that eating a tablespoon of eggshell powder in meals provides much-needed calcium. Eggshell powder is also good for growing plants. Much like how it provides calcium for humans, the eggshell powder also gives plants the calcium they need to grow strong as well. Make sure the eggshells are really finely ground for this to work.

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2 - Invest in a Hanging Spice Rack

Who says spices need to be kept in the pantry or on a spot on the counter? There's a better place to keep them. If there’s limited space in a pantry, then investing in a hanging spice rack will allow a much-needed area to be used for other important things. Hanging spice racks don’t have to be expensive. A cheap shower rack can be just the object to use. Find a nice place on the wall and screw it in. It’s that easy. Anything can be used for this project with a little imagination. It helps save space and is inexpensive to install.

3 - Use Vinegar Water to Clean Fresh Fruits and Veggies

It may not be a hack to know to clean your fruits and vegetables before eating. This helps get rid of bugs and other grime that isn’t washed off during the harvesting process. The hack isn’t about just knowing to wash produce, it’s about washing them in the simplest and easiest way possible. Just fill up a clean sink with water and add a cup of vinegar to it. Letting produce sit for 10 minutes will eliminate any pesticides or wax used to keep produce safe. This beats scrubbing them and potentially missing some spots. Pesticides are harmful, making this hack a bit more health-oriented.

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4 - Use a Wooden Spoon to Prevent Spillover When Boiling

This clever hack helps reduce the risk of extra cleanup when boiling food. Placing a wooden spoon over a pot of boiling water will help reduce the risk of boiling over by absorbing moisture from the bubbles and popping them. This forces the water to retreat and lowers the chances of it spilling over. Wooden spoons also absorb and disperse the heat to lower the surface temperature across the bubbles. Use this hack with caution, as the spoon can get waterlogged if left on for too long and will fail to work properly.

5 - Replant Water Soluble Plants

Many plants like leaks, green onions, and various types of lettuce are hydroponic. This means they can continue to grow and produce food with just water. As long as a reasonable amount on the base is left over, anyone can put it in a cup of water and leave it on the windowsill where there’s plenty of sunlight to help liven up your kitchen and grow some yummy produce. In no time at all the plant will start growing and produce more food with little to no effort. These plants won’t produce forever. Green onions can at least keep producing about 5 times after harvesting, but at least it still takes a little money off the grocery bill.

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