Only Feed Your Child the Best Baby Food

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Feeding your child is one of the most important tasks a new parent has to do every day. Since young ones are constantly growing, they are also constantly eating, and it is so important to be certain that you have the best food to give them. Nutrition makes an enormous difference in your baby or toddler’s development. Having questions about baby food, such as how it can be useful, what the most popular flavors are, and when the right time to give it, are excellent topics to explore before making the switch. The most important thing is to ensure that the baby is happy and getting enough nutrition to grow up properly! 

Why Use Baby Food?

As the saying goes, it takes a village to raise a child. But unfortunately, it isn’t always possible to have that many helping hands at your disposal. Unlike formula, baby food doesn’t need to be measured or mixed. It is typically sold in single or small serving packages, and can be served at room temperature or a little warm. This makes meal times easy. Just pop open a package and go. Just like most packaged foods, baby food has a long shelf life and doesn’t need to be refrigerated until it has been opened.

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Baby food can also help avoid scary situations with allergies. Since little ones may have allergies parents don’t know about, it is much safer to give them totally hypoallergenic meals. Baby food is prepared in special facilities to avoid common allergens such as peanuts and tree nuts, because your baby won’t be able to tell you when they’re having an allergic reaction.

Popular Flavors

One exciting thing about baby food is the plethora of flavor options that are available. When little ones start their first adventures into soft foods, every flavor is new. This can create a fun opportunity to learn about what your child likes or dislikes. Classic fruity flavors are a great option, particularly for breakfast or snack times. Try combinations like strawberry banana, mango applesauce, or single fruits like blueberry, pear, apricot, and peach. There are also tons of savory options too. Turkey, peas, carrots, spinach and corn are common and make a great choice for dinner time. If you notice that your little one shows a preference for the sweet stuff, you can also find sweet and savory combinations like apple and carrot or spinach and pineapple. Pairings like these are a great way to boost nutrition, just like the smoothies grownups like to treat themselves to.

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When Should Babies Eat It

According to the Mayo Clinic most babies are ready to start incorporating soft foods into their diet by the time they are about 6 months old. Before that six month mark, babies eat by using their tongue to push food back, making it hard to handle any food that isn’t a liquid. After a few months, they start to develop the muscles in their throat that allow them to coordinate the surprisingly complex action of swallowing. Once they have that skill down, they are ready to start exploring a whole new world of food. During this time, the baby might spit out their first few tastes of food. After all, the texture is totally new to them. It isn’t recommended to push the food on them, but try again at the next meal to see if they’re ready. Once your child starts eating the baby food, they can continue with it until they’ve developed the dexterity and teeth to start eating small bites of more solid food. In the meantime, have fun watching your little one try new foods for the very first time!

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